

2020年10月31日 18:30:21 No.2236

China's silk road economic belt

投稿者 : Silk road economic belt countries [URL]

冬の人気特别檢索けし召亞し新入荷:Xinhua Silk Road(en.imsilkroad.com) is the Belt and Road (BRI) portal.China's silk road economic belt and the 21st century maritime silk road website,includes BRI Policy,BRI Trade,BRI Investment,Belt and Road weekly,Know Belt and Road,and the integrated information services for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
As a multi-language platform focusing on information related to the “Belt and Road” Initiative, Xinhua Silk Road serves global participants of the initiative with all-dimensional, full workflow information products and consulting services, in a bid to help Chinese companies “go out” and companies outside China “come in.” Its services cover information search engine, country-specific research, business project release and trade matching, as well as investment and international trade-related customized services covering such fields as finance, patent, accounting, tax affairs, law affairs, training and exhibition.

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